Monday, January 21, 2008


that should not have been said.

that should not have been read.

things that should not have been seen.
by the eyes of me.

that in silence were shed.

the heart can not mend.

Trust given
to be thrown to dust.

A hand lent
to build another's lust.

It's time to role the dice
and let fate decide.

Who are you going to believe?

your own eye's?
or me?

shadow wolf

Shadow in the night
Hunter for what is right

Seeking the one who’s name
Make cold the blood of men’s veins

Lips peeled back
Teeth ready to attack

To sink through flesh and bone
And give justice to where none has been shown

Cold are the days
Warm are the nights

No rest for the wicked
everyone must die

cry to the moon
earth, fire, air all in the same tune.

Mourning for that which is lost
Pushing forward at all costs

The lust for revenge urging him so
It beats within it’s heart and soul